Author: Alfie

Industry knowledge, news, events, and insights. Make every reading a worthwhile experience. 

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How Many Lumens Should I Choose for a Flashlight?

With the advancement of technology, LED lighting techniques have been progressing by leaps and bounds. The maximum lumen output of flashlights available in the market continues to rise each year. A decade ago, a flashlight or headlamp with 1000 lumens might have been considered exceptionally high in brightness. However, today, we can even find flashlights boasting an astonishing 10000 lumens.

But is it truly necessary to invest in a flashlight with such high levels of brightness? In this article, we delve into this question, providing insights into the realm of professional knowledge within the industry.

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heat sink in flashlight

Why Heat Dissipation Matters for Flashlights

Effective heat dissipation is of paramount importance for flashlights, as it directly influences both the user experience and the overall lifespan of the device. How much do you know about this? For a deeper insight, please read this blog post.

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storage flashlight

How to Store Flashlights in a Warehouse

Proper storage of flashlights is essential to ensure their longevity and optimal performance. In a warehouse setting, where conditions can vary and equipment may be stored for extended periods, it is especially important to take precautions to protect these sensitive electronic devices. In this article, we will discuss some guidelines for storing flashlights in a warehouse to ensure they remain in good condition and are ready for use when needed.

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determine a new style

How to Determine If a Light is New or Outdated

When you’re just starting out in the flashlight business or looking to add new products to your existing business, it can be difficult to determine whether the products your supplier is offering you are the latest and most popular ones on the market.

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How to Assemble a Headlamp?

Have you ever wondered how a headlamp is assembled and what goes into making it a reliable source of light in the wilderness? In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the process of assembling a headlamp, from the individual components to the final product. So, put on your headlamp and let’s dive into the world of manufacturing!

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outdoor lighting

Which is the Better Lighting Tool: Headlamp or Flashlight?

Have you ever thought about which is more popular between flashlights and headlamps when developing a new product? Which type of lighting are your buyers more willing to purchase? Read this article to hear my analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of both from a manufacturer’s perspective.

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